Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back

Today is New Year's Eve and I am looking over this year on it's last day. I must say that 2010 has been one of the most difficult years I have ever experienced. (and when I say that, I recognize that my life has apparently been one of extreme ease!)

It has been an emotional year. It has been a sacrificial year. It has been a year of growth.

The emotions have been primarily due to my age, I think....(hormonally inconsistent and crazy) :)

The sacrifices have been me having to give up time with loved ones. (Ben entering seminary and needing to spend so much time and energy on that)

The growth has been exponential! I have learned to not be so attached to everything. God has worked on me to be thrilled when good things happen and to be neutral when disappointments come my way. That has probably has been the greatest thing for me. I am learning to live with my hands open...if God chooses to put things in my hands, then I praise God for that! If God chooses to take something out of my hand, then I praise God for that!

So maybe by "difficult", I mean FABULOUS!!!! (though I wouldn't mind a little less growth in 2011!) :) Happy New Year.

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