Friday, December 26, 2008

The Sun (Son) is Here!

It was ridiculously warm here today! I mean stupid crazy warm...not that I don't like warm, but if you know me, I run marathons twice a year...the day after Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas. I don't train much throughout the year as I need all the rest and cash I can get! I shop on those two days...and I mean shop! Actually, I am famous for it around these parts.

So when I shop, I want the perfect temperature that hovers somewhere around cool to chilly. I normally am a 90 degree kind of gal, but on these two shopping days, I need the cool! The sprints, the adrenaline, the getting the cart between two women to grab what they wanted without them even knowing it is gone...takes some energy and quick thinking, let me tell you.

So after I get home today, the three little munchkins want time with me and we go outside to ride scooters, trikes, and bikes. I am standing out in the middle of the street so I can yell "Car!" and hopefully watch my munchkins get out of the street quickly. (It doesn't always happen that way.) As I am standing there, I realize that I am very warm, and that the sun is shining on me. Though it had been warm all day, it had been overcast and almost dark. I stood there with the sun on my face and it was as though God was speaking to me saying, "Jesus is here. The son is here. I am shining His light on you."

Then I thought, let it shine! Let it get as warm as God wants...Jesus is here!


Melissa said...

You crack me up! I love to do after Christmas shopping too...helps out on gifts for next year! I agree with you though, for that kinda rush you need cool weather. It's warm here too...and although I'm not a fan at all of warm weather...I'm certainly blessed that the Lord sent JEsus! Now if He'll just replace what is supposed to be December weather!

Gregg Stutts said...

Lisa, great post! I wonder how often God "shines on us" and we miss it.