Friday, March 18, 2011

Life Is Better Together!

I truly do NOT believe that it takes a village to raise a takes a mom and dad. But, that being said, I do think that we live better, easier, and follow Christ's example more when we live in community.

What does community mean in this case? Well....I think it means allowing other believers to get all up in your business and them allowing you to do the same. Just knowing what is going on in each others' lives. Caring enough to stick around and see what is happening and then to help fill any holes there might be.

Perfect case in point is my dear friend, Nikki. She is so very special and lovely and wonderful...but she is quite an independent thing. She broke her foot a couple of weeks ago, which required surgery. She also has two young boys who need her (or someone) to get things for them and do for them. Her husband has stepped up in mighty ways, but there are still holes.

Nikki never let anyone know of her need, hence no one knew of it. They carried on their lives as normal. Now...they aren't too be let off the hook totally either. She had not been attending church or Sunday school lately due to myriad of issues and they never called to check in and see what was happening.

Living far away from Nikki means that I don't talk to her frequently either...(doesn't let me off the hook, either), so I didn't know about her foot. But when I did, I scrambled the fabulous ladies in the Sunday school class to get meals going for Nikki's family. They rallied so quickly....I was stunned!

That is the way community works. We see a need and then do what we can to fill it and walk with folks through the current fire. We can do this thing and I think it is one of the most glaring greatnesses that non-Christians see out of the Christian community!

1 comment:

Sara Hull said...

So True, Lisa! I don't know where we would be without the love and support of the Body of Christ! I hope we are able to bless others as much as others have blessed us. You for instance :)
