Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Do you ever look back on your life and cringe a little with the regret you feel over certain things? I don't mean wallow in it...or live in it...but just a little, teeny peak with a feeling knowing that you wish you had done things differently?

I do...periodically. I have been thinking about things the last day or so and so many events come to mind for me. Strange things from weird times in my life. Some as far back as elementary school.

The way I made fun of how the new girl in my 2nd grade class spoke.

The lie I told to not get in trouble.

The friend who wrote and told me we were no longer friends because she felt I slighted her.

The kids I taught my first year of teaching...did they learn anything?

The way I have put my children, so many times, above my husband.

The eyes that no longer twinkle as they look at me for various decisions I have made.

I don't live amongst these thoughts and memories, but they do cause me to regret things I've done (or haven't done) over the years. Sadly, they aren't the only ones on the list and even more sad is that fact that I will regret things that haven't even happened yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so honest and open. I know that I too struggle at times with sorrow over past decisions. Often, at odd, random times. I don't think God wants us to be so affected. But, maybe it will make us more compassionate and understanding toward others in similar situations. _ Nikki