Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Old Business/New Business

Have I shared the change in Ben's work? I can't really remember now if I have or haven' I am going to share now (or repeat).

Many months ago, Ben began to wonder if it would be possible to move from Campus Crusade for Christ and be "hired" by our church. Our church has been in a state of flux for some time. Many of the staff had left, or was in the process of leaving, and there were major holes. Though there are definite benefits of some professional staff leaving---makes folks step up to do what they would like accomplished--there were things that were falling through the cracks.

Then seminary started and the workload got crazy! Not hard necessarily, but a lot! The idea of moving to the church began looking even better. We began to approach our supporters wondering if they would move their support to our church for two or three years while Ben was in seminary. Ben would then move into an office at the church, work part time for the church as a small groups and adult Bible study pastor, and then be able to study part time in the quiet of the church.

God was gracious and led most of our supporters and many new ones to support us in this new endeavor!

On April 1st, Ben moved into his new office at Northeast Bible Church. He is officially the Pastor of Connection and Small Groups. (So much for my swearing that I would never be a pastor's wife!) He is in the process of beginning to re-start the once vibrant small groups we had, setting up and executing training for leaders, and meeting the new members and visitors and helping them get connected. He has much quieter surroundings in which to study and when he comes home....he is home! No work, no school!

We are still considered Associate Staff with Campus Crusade's Military Ministry. We still do some things for them. Right now, Ben is teaching the Fireproof Your Marriage material on Sunday nights on Randolph Air Force Base. It's going very well! So, we haven't taken our hands out of it completely.

The question we get asked is: "What are you going to do after seminary?" Yea....good question. We don't know. We are waiting for God's leading. We know He has led us this far and that's all we are concerned about at the moment. He will reveal the rest at the right time. We are set for anything!

We have been in awe of God's mercy and grace once again on us! (And, I am back to sending in snacks once a week...which I love!)


The Cornelisons said...

How exciting to see God work in all aspects of your life. Thank you for sharing and we wish Ben the best as we studies for seminary and helps grow the small groups in your church. He is such a wonderful leader and teacher. We miss him very much.

Melissa said...

That is simply wonderful. You and Ben influence many that's for sure! You are an encouragement to us all. Way to go Ben. We miss you, but I'm so glad you are settling in just fine where you are!

The Nelson Family said...

That's great!! I'm so glad things transitioned so smoothly and your supporters were on board with God's plan too. Looking forward to seeing what else He's got in store for you guys!