Amidst the craziness of family camp this year, Ben and I were able to hear two short speaker sessions. (The speaker sessions are the times that the adults get to hear from a fabulous speaker.) And as God would have it, we heard a couple terrific things...things on which we can ponder, debate, and noodle on for a while. Those of you who know Ben and me, know that we really enjoy our "noodlings", especially when we don't think alike! So here is what we are currently pondering the meaning:
Live your life in such a way that you would be crazy if God didn't exist.
So...what does that mean? The best I can figure is to live out my faith daily. Another way for me think about it is an illustration by Angela Thomas in one of her Bible studies. She said that we should be drinking so much from the Living Water that we should be sloshing out Jesus wherever we go! I love that! I have repeated that phrase so many times to others in the hopes that it would begin to sink into me as a result.
So I should be living my life so that Jesus is practically oozing from my pores and by doing that, I would be labeled crazy if God didn't exist! I think that I get it. Do you? Do you slosh out Jesus everywhere you go? The great thing is that we can keep drinking from the Living Water and our cup will never be depleted because when we reach for the glass to drink more, it's all full again. So drink up! Drink until you can't drink anymore, and then reach for the glass and drink some more!
It is the only way I can make any sense out of this life. It is the only way I can gain any perspective on events and circumstances. So for me...I will always be drinking and if you talk to me and I gurgle a bit in response...GREAT! :)
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