Saturday, October 4, 2008

Great Fall Craft

You need a medium sized pumpkin or gourd and a tealight. This one is from Bath & Body Works pumpkin scent. (On sale right now for $4.50 for 12) The gourds came three in a bag at WalMart for $2.98 for all three. That makes each of these about $1.38! Not bad.

Trace around the tealight tilting the pen a little inside the circle the tealight makes. Trust me...I really made three, but one of them I held the pen straight up and made the circle and the tealight falls in right to the bottom beautifully! Take a knife and cut out around the line. It's easy to pry up the piece. Then clean up the inside.

Place the tealight in the hole!

Light 'em up!

In my never ending quest to find all things spiritual in my life...I cleaned up the insides of the pumpkins and placed it all on this paper towel. How disgusting! Slimy, wet, not so great smelling, seemingly rotten, not good for much. So, is my heart like that? The Bible says my heart is deceptively wicked and also that all that I think of as good works are like filthy rags. Gross! I do think that most of us are like this. Cute as can be on the outside, clean, pretty, etc...but really needing a good clean-out on the inside. Praise God that Jesus is in my life, continually cleaning me heart, working on me to be more like Him everyday.

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