Monday, April 18, 2011

Interesting Day

We had an interesting day on April 9.

Our oldest turned 21! How exciting! She LOVES her birthdays, but this one naturally had a bigger expectation that went with it. We had been planning for quite a while. She had picked out her lunch place and then some of her good friends were taking her out to dinner. Her main party "function" was happening the next day as several of us went to a paint place in town and painted for three hours! It was so much fun. The interesting part was the morning of her birthday.

As we are getting ready to walk out the door to go to her lunch, we get a call that Ben's oldest brother had passed away. WOW! It was a real shock. He was only 7 years older than Ben. The blessing was that he died in his sleep. It was an apparent stroke. Though Ben's family is not the most close-knit family ever, it was difficult to not be sad, stunned, and introspective.

We went to lunch and celebrated with Bailey and then came home. Ben discovered that he was vascillating between being okay with the news and being much sadder than he ever anticipated being.

Interesting day to celebrate a birth and a death in the same family.

1 comment:

Lisa Jacques Elam said...

Both congratulations and condolences to your family. My grandfather died on my 21st I kind of understand the multi-levels of emotion on this one!