Friday, November 11, 2011

Our Recent Journey

In 1996, God called our family to begin raising support to become missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ. We knew that God had called us and that began the most interesting of journeys for us. Though God had called, it didn't mean that it was going to be smooth sailing during the course of support raising.

We certainly had our times of extreme difficulty. There were times that Ben was working so hard on contacting people, asking, doing all the things we were supposed to do....and....nothing. There were moments when we doubted our call. Did we hear God correctly? Are we doing the right thing?

But just when it seemed as though we were about to fall into a bit of despair, God would bring confirmation, in the form of financial support, from somewhere seemingly out of left field. Usually from some area we weren't working. We know that HE did that just so that we knew for sure that it was God who was raising our support, not us.

That was 15 years ago. We have recently been going through something a bit similar. In the last 15 years, God has been very merciful to us with our support. While we have watched as other missionary friends have struggled with their support, we have not. So, it's been especially interesting, and somewhat disconcerting, when in recent days, we have had more supporters informing us of their decision to leave our support team, than in the last 15 years combined....just about.

What is God doing? What are we to do? Well, Ben began the process of raising more support. (this is not something that one does out of joy in the doing!) This is a bit of a chore and takes quite a bit of thought and work. Ben was his normal, hard-working self and just threw himself into the task.

So after a few, short days of despair, God did what HE has always done and provided in big ways for us! We know that HE wants us on this path we are on. It is clear to us that God wants Ben to finish his seminary degree and then to wait for HIS decision on what we do and where we go from there.

There is joy in knowing we are in the middle of God's will. There is peace in seeing HIS hand so clearly in our lives. Ben and I are anxiously awaiting what will be after seminary, but for the moment, we are just thrilled to be here!

1 comment:

tap dance songs said...

God bless you and your family for your good deeds.