Monday, October 11, 2010

Next Summer Already?

I know it's not even Halloween yet, but I must confess that I am already thinking about summer opportunities for my girls. It is time for Darby to go on a mission trip! Bailey went on her first trip when she was 13 and it was time for her world to be expanded. It was a terrific experience and made Bailey appreciate the 13 varieties of cereal we have in our pantry along with the days and days of food...on top of many other things.

Darby will be 13 soon. It's time for her world to be expanded. It's time for her to have an opportunity to see how many others in the world live...and it's not like we live for the most part! I want her to appreciate what she has here and I want her to develop a love for others that attempts to mimic Christ's love for us.

So....I am beginning to pray and think about where God would have the girls go this summer, if anywhere. We have a saying in our home: At around 13, the books say it's normal for children to rebel and begin to live in their own little world....but in the DeBusk home, it's not required (and we don't do that)!

Sending our children on mission trips has been a great way to help them be outward live out the other DeBusk saying: Love God, Serve Others!

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