Monday, January 10, 2011

Gifts, Talents, and Abilities

This Friday begins our homeschool co-op for spring. This is no small 3-family co-op....our co-op has over 100 families and there are 400 people on our church campus each Friday! It is a large endeavor!

I am the director of this machine....and I LOVE IT!!! This position fits my gifts, talents, and abilities....and certainly falls right in line with my passion...homeschooling and helping to encourage others who want to homeschool.

Yes, there are frustrating days....Yes, there are days that it crosses my mind to drop this off my schedule...Yes, I want to keep doing to even with that!

What I have discovered and have been reminded time and time again, is that God has given me certain abilities and it's OK to work within those. It's not more spiritual for me to be miserable, necessarily. It's that I am to be wherever God has called and when I do that, I am not going to be completely frustrated always...I am not going to be completely miserable...I am not going to feel as though it's drudgery all days. I am going to feel more encouraged and uplifted by working within my abilities.

What are your abilities, gifts, and talents? Are you working there?

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