Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Sun (Son) Does Wonders

It's been one of those days. Bright sunshine, my favorite kind of sunshine! A bit breezy...a bit cool. What could be better? I have felt all day long as though it was a great day! From the moment I awoke, I have been happy. I love that.

I can't pinpoint exactly what has been so great about kids have still been bickering (yuck!), the meals still had to be made, the laundry was waiting for me as it has been the last three days (not that I haven't been doing laundry, I have been doing it everyday, it just seems to keep growing!), the school work wasn't any more pleasant than any other day for my kids. So, it has been a regular day, but my reaction to the regular and mundane has been different.

Why? Two reasons that I can think of...the Son and the sun. Jesus is very active in my life recently...very close...very dear...very encouraging. When the sun is shining, I find that life is better for me. The bright, cheery, warm feel on my skin, shining through my windows (dirty though they may be), lifts my heart, and seems to say to me that all is well.

So--there is the common link I am discovering--with the Son and the sun all is well! It is a good day.

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