Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Things Kids Say

Ben was putting Rawley to bed the other night and they were in the big chair in our room. After singing and prayers, this is the conversation that took place:

Ben: What do pigs say?
Rawley: (normal voice) oink, oink
Ben: What do cows say?
Rawley: (normal voice) moo...
Ben: What do cats say?
Rawley: (normal voice) meow...
Ben: What does Rawley say?
Rawley: (high pitched squeaky voice) I don't want to go to bed!

We thought it was pretty funny!


Cheryl said...

That's is such a perk of parenthood, just getting a kick out of what our children say and do. By the way, love the new blog look!

amy said...

LOL So did Ben have to laugh out loud at that one?! How could you not? Very cute. Something to remember to tell him when he gets older.

Lisa said...

i love that