Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Putting Life into Perspective

Isn't God great? After writing yesterday's post on my struggles, I spent several hours with my mom shopping. Just like old times....we had a great time gathering the clothes, trying them on, weeding them out, buying them, and then heading to the next store! (When I was in high school, this was our EVERY Saturday outing!)

But as we were falling back into our old routines, God allowed me to have perspective on my struggles...I got to hear Mom tell about Daddy, his diminishing capacities provided by the Alzheimer's, the changes that are taking place with areas in their lives that are maybe more minor now, but will become more major maybe even sooner than later. They are struggling, she is struggling, Daddy is struggling.

Though I thoroughly loved the outing, I think it was loved even more by Mom who viewed it as therapy, breathing space, a great time out.

I think I touched a nerve yesterday with announcing my struggles. I cried as I read the responses as God showed me a couple of things: I am not alone and I have dear people who love me (that was great for me!) who think I am ok. But then I was given the privilege of putting my struggles in perspective.

I awake today a new woman! No, the struggles have not miraculously disappeared. No, I am not magically 25 pounds lighter. No, I am not Mary Poppins, person of all patience. But I am a child of God, I am a daughter not only of the King, but of my Mom and Daddy, whom I love dearly and they love me. I am the wife of Ben, the most amazing, kind, loving man. I am the mother of 5 of the most special kids on the planet! And, like I found out yesterday, I have great women of faith who love and care about me and now know I am not perfect (just in case you hadn't known that before!).

Thanks for that! Do you have a new perspective on life today?

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